2025 Moonbow season News
Updated November 3, 2024 If you want to see moonbows in Yosemite, plan to visit the park near full-moon when the waterfalls are near peak flow. For 2025 these dates will be:
April 10 thru April 15
May 9 thru May 14
June 7 thru June 13
A few weeks before each full moon, I will post the detailed timetables of where and when to see the moonbows below. I have left the information from June 2024 below as an example of the format.
New Video!
I’m stoked to release this video I’ve been working on since 2016 which films the moonbow in real-time speed. It’s a completely new way of filming by moonlight and I hope it captures a little of the magical experience of seeing moonbows in Yosemite! As always, I am humbled and encouraged by your comments, shares, and support!
Moonbows in the lower section of Yosemite Falls are most often seen and photographed from the footbridge closest to the base of the falls on the Lower Yosemite Falls Trail (Google Maps Link). The moonbow arc forms high and to the left of the base of the falls and slowly sinks down and to the right, over the creek, during the hours it is present. The ideal time published here is when the arc passes through the most dense part of the mist, giving the most intense bow. Viewing right when the moonbow begins or ends may only show a small part of the bow. If clouds are obstructing the moon, no moonbow will form.
Moonbows in the upper section of Yosemite Falls can be seen and photographed from the parking lot near Sentinel Bridge (Google Maps Link). Please note that these times are for viewing the moonbow in Upper Yosemite Falls from this location only and are not valid for viewing from high on the Upper Falls Trail. In April and early May, the moonbow in the upper falls is positioned very low, but may be noticeable if there is plenty of spray over the middle cascades. Full-moons in late May and June are the best opportunities to see this moonbow. If you venture away from the parking lot, please take care not to damage the surrounding meadows. If the moon is obstructed by clouds, no moonbow will form.
Moonbows seen in the upper falls from Glacier Point are rare since the road to Glacier Point usually doesn't open until late spring and the moonbow is only briefly visible. Since Glacier Point is farther from the falls, the moonbow appears wider and sweeps through the area of mist much faster. Consequently, the opportunity to see it is only about 15 minutes each night. The predicted times are for the ideal position within this short viewing window. Click here for current road status.
What are moonbows?
Moonbows, also known as "lunar rainbows," are rainbows which form at night due to the light of the moon. When the moon is full and shining at the correct angle on the spray of a large waterfall, a moonbow can be seen arcing through the mist. John Muir wrote about their occurrence in Yosemite in the 1800s but only recently has their popularity increased due to photography. To learn more, check out this excellent video produced by Steve Bumgardner for the Yosemite Conservancy.
Conditions for moonbows
There are a few conditions necessary for moonbows to be observed at Yosemite Falls
Moon must be within a few days of being full
Clear skies between the moon and the waterfall
Plenty of water in the falls (typically April-June)
Sufficient darkness (at least one hour after sunset or one hour before sunrise)
The moon must have risen high enough to shine on the waterfall spray
Wind can greatly enhance the moonbow by carrying the water spray
The moon must be at the proper angle relative to the observer and the mist (see the predictions listed above for when and where to be to make everything line up)
Viewing moonbows
To the human eye, moonbows typically look dull and colorless, appearing as a gray arc in the mist of the waterfall. This is because human color vision sensitivity is reduced in low light environments. The photograph below simulates what our eyes see when viewing a moonbow with our eyes for the first time. With sufficient time to adjust to the low light, the colors will become more apparent, but not as vivid as they appear to a camera. To help your eyes adjust, turn off your flashlight and avoid looking at your smartphone screen. Consider using a flashlight with a low-power red light if you still need a little light to move around safely. The movement of the moon across the sky causes the moonbow to slowly change position over time and the moon rises approximately 50 minutes later each evening, so don't expect to see moonbows in the same position each visit.
Photography tips
Moonbows are much easier for a camera to see than the unaided human eye. Most any camera with the ability to take long exposures can be used for moonbow photography. Even some of the latest smartphones can capture a moonbow if you use the camera’s “night mode,” especially if you steady the phone with a tripod. Make sure to turn off the flash!
Recommended exposure settings: 15 seconds, at f/4, at ISO 1600 (this may look overexposed on your camera’s screen, but trust your histogram, not your eyes). This exposure is just a rough starting point. Remember, the moon gets brighter when it is high in the sky (just like the sun) and the light fades when it is at a low elevation or when the moon is not completely full.
Autofocus will not work in such dim light, so focus manually using live view. If focus is still difficult, use a bright and distant light source (such as the moon) to focus on before recomposing for the moonbow.
Shutter speed considerations: Though it may be tempting to use a longer exposure time in order to reduce ISO or gain depth of field, an exposure time longer than one minute will cause the colors of the moonbow to blur together as it slowly changes position. Also, longer exposure times may not be practical if shooting from a location where mist is accumulating on the lens.
The lower falls viewing area is often enveloped in the mist of the waterfall. Protect your camera with a rain cover or towel, and bring a microfiber cloth or squeegee to dry your lens between shots.
Turn off the camera flash since it will ruin everyone's photo, including your own.
Etiquette and other tips
Please keep the viewing areas dark to avoid ruining photographs and disrupting the enjoyment of the natural moonlight. Turn off your flashlight (or use a low-power red light instead) and reduce the brightness of your smartphone and camera screens. Turn off your camera's flash.
Be aware of others around you, taking care not to block their view or bump their tripod.
Wear a waterproof jacket at the lower falls, but avoid using umbrellas since they make it difficult for others to see or photograph.
Consider viewing the upper falls moonbow first since its viewing times are generally about an hour before those for the lower falls.
Avoid trampling the sensitive areas of Cook's Meadow when photographing the upper falls.
As always, be safe around fast moving water and wet rock surfaces.
Brian Hawkins filming moonbows during the epic springtime conditions of 2017
connect with me
Photographing moonbows combines my passion for photography, science, and the outdoors. As a former mechanical engineer, I started making my own 3D simulations of Yosemite Valley in 2011 to discover new places to photograph moonbows and the best time to be there. I hope this information is helpful to you as well.
Say hello if you see me in Yosemite this spring, or reach out on social media to stay connected.